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Pokemon Mega Emerald X and Y Edition [ENG]

Pokemon Mega Emerald X and Y Edition


Pokemon Mega Emerald X and Y Edition
 Author: jovefreak1993
 Game base: Pokemon Emerald
 Latest update: June 10th, 2016
 Status: Complete

Música cambiada
Nuevos entrantes de 6ta generación
Clima agregado
Se agregó la generación de Pokémon 1-6
conjunto de fichas añadido
nuevos eventos agregados
completa legendaria generación 1-6 y capturable
3 regiones
Acceso en las islas de nacimiento, Isla lejana, Navel Rock e Isla Sur sin necesidad de barco ni ferry.
Pokémon legendario de las generaciones 1-6
poca dificultad
camino cambiado
Wallace (batalla dual y Steven)
Ataques añadidos de todas las generaciones (1 a 6)
Nuevo ataque agregado
Mejora los ataques de pokemon
Mega evoluciones
Pokémon primigenio
los muros de recorrido son inútiles
Elite cuatro cambiado usando pokemon
Toda la evolución del comercio y las piedras ahora se ha convertido en nivelación.
Se agregaron 3 regiones como (hoenn-kanto-kalos)


Pokemon Vega [ENG]

Descargar Patched Pokemon Vega Rom
Versión: 20 de abril de 2019 de actualización.
Actualizado: 20 de abril de 2019



Nombre: Pokemon Vega
Tipo: GBA
Hack de: FireRed
Idioma: INGLES
Creador: Pokemon Vega Team (anónimo)

Pokemon Vega es probablemente el más apreciado de todos los hacks Pokémon en idioma extranjero. Creado por un grupo de hackers japoneses, contiene una nueva región, todo tipo de nuevos Pokémon y movimientos, y un desafío significativo.



Nueva region- Tohoak
181 nuevos Pokémon, más 56 de gens más nuevos
70 movimientos nuevos, más 87 de gens nuevos
Banda sonora personalizada
Revanchas con importantes entrenadores.
Extenso postjuego que incluye una instalación de batalla.
Capturas de pantalla






Pokemon Snakewood

Download Patched Pokemon Snakewood Rom

Latest version- Final Version Fixed

Updated on- July 29 2016



Nombre: Pokemon Snakewood
Hack de: Ruby
Idioma: ingles
Creador: Cutlerine
Estado: «El juego está terminado en un 98.2%. Algunas áreas secretas / áreas laterales aún no se han realizado». Descontinuado (pero esencialmente completo).

Te despiertas en lo que solía ser Littleroot town, sin tener memoria de cómo llegaste allí ni de quién eres realmente. Sin embargo, pronto se hace evidente que algo muy grande ha sucedido mientras estabas fuera: un ejército de zombies ha invadido a Hoenn.

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Pokemon Ruby Destiny: Life of Guardians

Download Patched Pokemon Ruby Destiny: Life of Guardians Rom

Latest version- 2017 v1

Updated on- September 16, 2017



Name: Pokemon Ruby Destiny Life of Guardians
Hack of: Ruby
Language: English
Creator: destinedjagold
Related: Pokemon Ruby Destiny Series


In the altered world where Team Go-Getters accidentally created lives a young girl who always dreamed tobe a Guardian Trainer after she heard all about it, even though she has no idea how to be come one, but still, she’s determined to achieve her goal to be a Guardian Trainer.

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Pokemon Ruby Destiny: Rescue Rangers

Download Patched Pokemon Ruby Destiny: Rescue Rangers Rom

Latest version- 2014v1

Updated on- July 22 2016



Name: Pokemon Ruby Destiny Rescue Rangers
Hack of: Ruby
Language: English
Creator: destinedjagold
Related: Pokemon Ruby Destiny Series


You’re just a simple and average kid living in the real world. The day has come, yes! It’s your 12th birthday. To celebrate it, you invited 4 of your friends who, like you, loves POKéMON as well. But then, when you were about to begin, a strange aura came in the room and made you loose your consciousness.

Seguir leyendo Pokemon Ruby Destiny: Rescue Rangers

Pokemon Resolute [ENG]

Download Patched Pokemon Resolute Version Rom

Latest version- v2.78

Updated on- June 1, 2018




Name: Pokemon Resolute Version
Hack of: Emerald
Language: English
Creator: 1158
Status: About 100% done


This hack is about a trainer(Logan/Alm) who lives in Cedar City of Sylon. One day, Professor Avery orders you to come to his lab. While getting there, you find that Team Mirage, the organization which broke down 1 year ago in Tyron is trying to make a comeback, and they declare that they’ll start a «reform». What’s the meaning of the «reform»? The trainer will travel all over the Sylon and finally get the answer…

Seguir leyendo Pokemon Resolute [ENG]

Pokemon Prism GBC ENG

Download Patched Pokemon Prism Rom

Version: Version 0.94 Build 0235

Updated: June 1, 2019



Name: Pokemon Prism
Type: GBC
Hack of: Crystal
Language: English
Creator: Koolboyman


This is the story of Prism, the son/daughter of Lance. After playing in his uncle’s mine cart in an unidentified region, it somehow spins out of control and ends up in the region of Naljo. Naljo is a developing region bent on the dream of purist industrialization. After finding a lost Larvitar, Prism must collect the eight Naljo badges while fixing all that is wrong with this corrupted region.This is the story of Prism, the son/daughter of Lance. After playing in his uncle’s mine cart in an unidentified region, it somehow spins out of control and ends up in the region of Naljo. Naljo is a developing region bent on the dream of purist industrialization. After finding a lost Larvitar, Prism must collect the eight Naljo badges while fixing all that is wrong with this corrupted region.

Seguir leyendo Pokemon Prism GBC ENG

Pokemon Outlaw

Download Pre-patched Pokemon Outlaw Rom

Version: 5th September 2015 update

Updated: September 5, 2015



Name: Pokemon Outlaw
Type: GBA
Hack of: FireRed
Language: English
Creator: Crizzle


Pokemon Outlaw is not like most of the hacks here. This not a story of some brand new region with yet another 10 year old kid setting out the explore the world. (Do any of you guys feel that 10 years old is too young to go out by yourself in a world full of dangerous super-powered creatures?) Nor is this some story of some overpowered grunt of some criminal team.

This is the story of a 15 year old orphan who is homeless and resides in the slums. This is about his rise to greatness in the Pokemon world. The world in this game is one that should be familiar to most of you. It is Kanto, the world of Pokemon FireRed. There are some significant differences in the maps (new places and buildings) but it is definitely FireRed’s Kanto.

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